

LIVESTRONG.COM is the definitive destination for those who want to build their own healthy living success story. We believe that everyone should feel empowered through food, fitness, and inspiration to pursue their best life because eating well and staying active are critical components in preventing cancer and fighting other illnesses.

At LIVESTRONG.COM, we believe that achievements start with education and a commitment to small, daily choices. We offer content that engages and informs, and we complement that information with practical tools that make living healthy an easy and sustainable process.

LIVESTRONG.COM believes that healthy living is essential to the prevention of cancer and other illnesses. Therefore, we are a proud licensing partner of the LIVESTRONG Foundation and have contributed over $3M in support of their mission to provide services to those affected by cancer. We help to bring awareness of the fight against cancer to millions of people and support those in pursuit of living healthy every day.


We're here to make our members lives stronger, healthier and happier. We're passionate about the transformative power of smart food, healthy living and fitness practices and encourage our members to celebrate their daily victories in developing those practices. We share our members' powerful, personal success stories as a catalyst that can create an evolution of change.

LIVESTRONG.COM is dedicated to helping our members realize their full potential so that they can help others do the same.


The majority of LIVESTRONG.COM's readers are between ages 25-54. Sixty percent are women. Thirty-five percent of the readers have a household income of over $100,000 annually.


LIVESTRONG.COM offers authoritative expert content in the diet, nutrition, fitness, wellness and lifestyle categories that informs and empowers. Our content offering includes:

  • Investigative and engaging feature content created by leaders in healthy living
  • Practical, solution-oriented short form content created by experienced freelance professionals
  • Entertaining, instructional video series and short form video content
  • Expert input, personality and soul throughout the site via daily blog posts, Q&A series and content formats with social media portability
  • Relatable, knowledgeable editors who interact with the community and develop content based on the members' needs and interests.
  • We believe that health information is always evolving and our content reflects the fluid and ever-changing nature of life. We've created a safe, encouraging space where members can engage directly with respected experts to have their questions answered.

Our content serves to teach, but never preach. We believe that our ultimate purpose is to enable members to discover the practices that work best for them.


We provide tools and applications that make it easier to live a better, healthier life. LIVESTRONG.COM's flagship tool is MyPlate - a comprehensive food and fitness tracker leveraging the largest online food and fitness database. MyPlate Mobile is a smart phone app that offers the same functionality on-the-go. Both tools provide information and utility to transform smart food choices into natural habits.

In June 2013, LIVESTRONG.COM launched Stronger, a subscription-based eating and exercise program that brings together 30-minute daily high intensity workout videos and personalized meal plans with hundreds of easy-to-prepare recipes. All of this comes with easy-to-use tools to track your progress. Best of all you can use Stronger on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

LIVESTRONG.COM empowers members to quit smoking through MyQuit Coach - a smoking cessation app offering a personalized quitting plan, while also providing support and encouragement from social circles.

LIVESTRONG.COM engages the community through challenges that encourage short-term and long-term healthy living changes.

Our recipes offer one of the largest databases of meal options. We believe that enjoying food is part of living a healthy life. Recipes allow members to create and share food options based on dietary preference while still providing detailed nutrition data.

Loops, our mapping tool for local running, cycling, walking and hiking routes provides another solution for members who want to blaze their own trail and track their success.


We believe that peer-to-peer support is one of the cornerstones of success. LIVESTRONG.COM serves as a platform for community members to connect, inform and inspire. Throughout the site, members are encouraged to interact with each other in Conversations, a section where they can share their goals and experiences, each led by a guide who is an active long-time member of the site community.
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